Voice Work

While Pat has done lots of voiceover work for television these samples are primarily for radio. Ranging from semi serious reads to completely silly parodies Pat demonstrates his ability to be totally believable under almost any circumstance. Wouldn’t that be a handy talent?

Pat Cashman audio demo
An audio collage of a variety of pieces. Some funny, some serious, some total.


My Doctor
Ever noticed how 60 second advertising for prescription drugs now always seems to consist of 10 seconds extolling the positive benefits of the drugs – and the remaining 50 seconds warning you of all the side-effects? That’s sort of the idea behind this fake ad that Pat wrote and performs in. Most all of the drug names are combinations of word parts taken from actual prescription names.


Jerry’s Home Improvement
Jerry’s is a home improvement store in Oregon. This commercial was written by Palmer Pettersen – and produced by Pure Audio in Seattle. Kathy Levin plays the part of the bemused co-worker. Pat is a method actor – and while the ceiling fan scene could have simply been faked using sound effects, he insisted on actually being whirled around on a fan to create realism. Incidentally, Pat was seriously hurt two years ago during the taping of a weed-whacker commercial.


Kid Hero
There seems to be a kid hero story in the news every so often these days – and this is just another of them. Pat wrote and produced this piece – and plays both the interviewer AND the little kid. He drew upon his many years of experience as a little kid.


Again, Pat wrote and produced this interview – and plays all the roles. It has a ring of verisimilitude – and is not unlike many actual interview segments that Pat has been involved in with authors trying to sell books, celebrities trying to sell TV shows – and politicians trying to buy votes, er, sell themselves.


Washington Fryer Commission radio spot
This spot was written and produced by Rick Stanton of Stanton and Everybody in Seattle. It was part of an ongoing campaign that has been extremely successful. The spot was engineered by Mike McCauliffe and recorded at Bad Animals.